
Customer Questions

How long does it take to deliver my items?

The delivery time varies by item, with the majority of products available for delivery next working day in Baghdad, or within 2 working days elsewhere. To see when a product will be delivered, select your location on the product page and an estimated delivery date will be displayed.


How can I register on

You can register using the Sign up link at the top right hand of the page. You will need a working Iraqi mobile phone number as verification is required.


How can I place an order with

After browsing the products, simply add them to your basket and proceed to the checkout, where you will be prompted to fill in the delivery information.


Do you deliver throughout Iraq?

Yes, we have one of the largest delivery fleets in Iraq and will deliver your order to your door, anywhere in Iraq.


How much do you charge for delivery?

The delivery charge is 5,000 IQD for orders under 150,000 IQD, and free thereafter.